![Vodní kámen](https://euroclean.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/vodni_kamen-min-1.jpg)
Hard water and high temperature – ideal conditions for scale formation
In the water industry, drinking water is often piped over long distances to the end user. The chemical and biological processes...
![Expo 2020](https://euroclean.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/expo-min-800x266.jpg)
EuroClean will be part of the S.A.W.E.R. at EXPO 2020
Scientists from the University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings of CTU have connected a mineralization unit WatiMin, from the company EuroClean,...
![sanace studní](https://euroclean.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/sanace_studni.jpg)
Treatment of a well water
You can’t probably avoid well water treatment. Quality of the water unfortunatelly lacks the required level in most locations and therefore...
EuroClean will be treating water for QUEEN
Queen – one of the most successful music bands of all times. Sold out tours, recordings on top of all hitparades...
In Prague’s Prosek Legionella was found – disinfection will get done by EuroClean device
Legionella pneumophila bacteria which causes illness called...
![Generátor chlordioxidu v Polsku](https://euroclean.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/pl_reference.jpg)
Chlordioxide generator OXCL in a polish hospital
In the hospital in Gorzow Wielkopolski a dangerous bacteria Legionella...
![Železo a mangan](https://euroclean.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/zelezo_ve_vode.jpg)
What problems cause iron and manganese in water?
Iron (Wiki) is the most common transitional metal element and a second most common metal at...
Aluminium and its removal from water
Aluminium is the second most used metal right after...
![koliformni bakterie](https://euroclean.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/koliformni_bakterie1.jpg)
Coliforms with the lead of Escherichia coli
Coliforms can be found in a digestive tract of various animals and in...
What can a microscopic image of water show
Microscopic image is one of the pointers of a drinkable water quality. It can show abioseston, organism count and living...