Amonnium ions and their removal from water
The occurrence of ammonium ions in drinkable water can point to a microbiological activity. The cause can be fertilizing or geological activity.
The limit of ammonium ions in drinkable water is according to the notice nr. 252/2004 Co. set to 0,5 mg/l.
Amonnium ions as such are not that toxicologicaly significant to humans. They can become a problem, though, in case of their biological nitrification to nitrites during the drinkable water distribution.
Drinkable water pollution by fecies, pollution to the water, fertilizers and the effects of fertilizing, nitrates, leaks from sewadge, cesspools and septics.
Removal of ammonium ions from drinkable water
It is done either by the ion exchange, chemical oxidation or e.g. by reverse osmosis.